2023 - 9

After upgrade seafile server to a newer version, i.e., from 8.0.X to 10.0.X, when starting "./seahub.sh start", if "Error happened during creating seafile admin" is found, here is the solution,

It is most likely caused by the user group of the directory and files,
for example, when your seafile server is located at /opt/seafile,
you should change user of all directories under this directory to seafile

chown seafile:seafile /opt/seafile -R

Then run run the bash

./seahub.sh start

Problem will be solved.


When using Drupal 10.1 or above under Nginx+php-fpm, probably encounter 404 not found or too many redirects after enable CSS/JS aggregation.
This is actually caused by the nginx configuration, in your host config file, find the following line

location @rewrite {
rewrite ^/(.*)$ /index.php?q=$1;

and replace with

location @rewrite {
rewrite ^ /index.php;

Then reload your config file, the problem shall be solved.

